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Yuvarang Cultural & Sports Event

On the occassion of Republic day College has organized three days cultural and sports event from 23rd January 2023 to 25 January 2023. During this event various intellectual activities like Essay competition, Poster competition, Elocution and Quiz competitions are organized. in Sport event various sports competition are being organized for both boys and girls. in cultural event singing competition, Mime, One act play, Solo dance, group dance are organized. Topics for Intellectual events:

  • Poster competition- Gender Equality,
  • Rangoli Competition- Environmental Conservation,
  • Essay Competition- Need of Environmental Conservation, 
  • Elocution-Effect of Covid-19 on students and education.

Food Adulteration Awareness Program by Department of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry organized food adulteration awareness program at Jibhgaon Tq- Saoli Dist- Chandrapur on 21st January 2023. During this event Students from M.Sc. II year and faculty of the department aware the peoples from jibhgaon village about the various adulteration in their foods and also aware them about the side effect of the adulterated foods on human beings. Students also demonstrate the various simple methods that can be used to identify the adulteration in foods.

Rangoli Competition on Energy Conservation

College organized Rangoli Competition on energy conservation on 23 January 2023. Near about 10 students participated in this event. The main objective of this event is to aware the students about the environmental issues.